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2 TAs for Applied Physics Bachelor's course: 31ILS - Introduction to Laboratory Skills (Practical)

Part-time / Student job


Published on January 27, 2025

  • Contract

    Part-time / Student job

  • Location


  • Start date

    February 2025

  • Study level

    Master level or equivalent

  • Remote working


We are looking for two teaching assistants (either MSc or PhD students) to assist in updating the physics experiments and their documentation for the 31ILS course “Introduction to Laboratory Skills” during the period from February to September 2025, and with an average workload of 4 hours/week.

Your Tasks:

Before the next academic year, we strive to completely modernize one of the physics experiments, while updating the manuals of the other four experiments. Important aspect is to find ways to better appeal to the researching nature of a physicist, for which the need for a student to get acquainted with measurement techniques, perform physics experiments, and write proper lab journals (incl. statistical analysis) are essential ingredients.

  • Take responsibility to redesign or create a (new) physics experiment.
  • Rewrite experimental manuals (including supporting and preparatory information) in MATLAB using live scripts.
  • Regularly update the ILS teachers on progress and help signal issues that need to be resolved.
  • Meet the deadline that everything should be ‘student-proof’ (well) before summer break.

Your Profile:

A student that sees opportunities to modernize physics experiments and has hands-on mentality and skills to do so. You have a good notion of what is appealing and comprehensible for first year students. You are pro-active in creating ideas and solutions, work responsibly and independently, and are skilled in MATLAB. You should have basic understanding of the course topics and are fluent in English writing.


We look forward to receiving your application, including a short motivation, by 28 February 2025. If you have any question, please contact Erik Langereis (< email deleted for security reasons >).

Application deadline

February 28 2025

Job Category

Student Job

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TU/e Department of Applied Physics and Science Education (APSE)

Student jobs of the department of Applied Physics

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  • On campus Student Job